Level 2

S.O.E. Level 2 Course

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A course for students interested in perfecting technical skills in order to compete on stage, construct a set for social media content or prepare for upcoming live sets.

This intense 8-week class 
will surely carve out a new mold and sharpen the blades of a DJ looking to perform at a higher level on global platforms.

  • Review and practice all previously studied scratch techniques from level 1 with two and four-bar patterns. 
  • Baby (advanced) - Stab (advanced) - Chirp (advanced) - Scribble (advanced) - 
    Flare (single/double click) - Crab - Twiddle/Twiddle Flare
  • Emphasis on combining the above techniques into advanced combinations
  • Introduction to Boomerang, Autobahn, and other techniques
    placing emphasis on platter control, accuracy and timing.
  • Utilizing the “tools on your decks” (various sounds) in a live non-rehearsed mix scenario
    to execute advanced scratch/juggle/performance techniques.
  • Scratching on acapella phrases and syllables in practice and live mix situations.
  • Introduction to “strobing” and “breakdown” techniques. Emphasis on how to execute these in a “performance”/“battle scenario.
  • Introduction to using different “clock” positions on the label with the sticker/cue point to execute advanced juggle patterns. i.e.: creating new beats using hi-hats, snares, and kick that doesn’t land on “THE ONE” within a single clock rotation.
  • Construction of two 6 minute battle routines. Students will use these routines
    to battle each other in the final project where there will be only one winner.


  • Note: 
    • Classes begin Sunday January 12th, 2020
    • 4 slots per class
    • Date and times are subject to change